pyryistuu.jpgDOB. 10.6.1995

†  8.10.2010

Mixed Breed, male

Owner: Niina Rintala, Alajärvi


Pyry was our familys first dog who taught me how to train and to do things with dogs. When he was three years old he didn't know anything else than sit, lay down and shake paw. That was the only things that we understand or even knew how to teach. In some point we understood that this couldn't go any further and went to obedience class to train him how to behave in life and mostly how to behave in lead.
We got very exited from obediense and agility but unfortionately at the late 90's mix breeds didn't have the status as a nice hobby dogs as they have now and we as young dog trainers got bored from underestimation of Pyry and those mean looks by the co-trainers. Despite that we didn't go to the rehearsals of the local kennel club we continued to train just for fun. At the summer it was usual to see a lot of self-made agility obstacles at our lawn. 

Pyry stayed at my parents house when we moved to our own house with my husband Jani but he followed after couple of years later to spend his retirement years with us. Dog-social "Grandpa-Pyry" did well with our pack of young dogs despite he had been lived as only dog many years before.

When Pyry was a young lad we also took part of many Match Shows (un-official shows) and often we came home with ribbons and other prizes. There was once a own "Finnish Champion Show for Mix Breeds" at Tuuri and Pyry was 2nd with cq in veteran class and in the best male ring he placed 4th. From that last show he participated we still have his qriticue in my dog folder. This qriticue says: "Good features. Ears that fit well "in the breed" :). Good coat. Moves Well."

Granpa-Pyry had a long, youthful and healthy life til age got over him at fall 2010 and we had to let him go 8.10.2010 leaving a lot of beautiful memories behind him.

